Civil Designer software boosts productivity
The built environment is relying on the transition to digitisation to reduce cost and energy expenditure with data-led BIM processes leading the way. But has BIM overshadowed other fundamental cost saving technologies that can increase productivity in the industry? Robbie Maddison of the ICE caught up with Civil Designer Group CEO Vincent Bester who has recently launched Civil Designer software into the UK market.
Firstly, what is Civil Designer and what makes it unique?
Civil Designer is an integrated software suite of civil infrastructure design modules. While other vendors have bundled disparate programs together to handle civil infrastructure design across all its disciplines, we have spent more than 30 years developing a specialised package that handles it all within the same interface.
Why is productivity a hot topic in the AEC industry?
Interestingly, while corporates are pushing for cost and energy savings, the need for increased productivity is also being driven by design technicians themselves. Hybrid work patterns demand measurable outcomes and engineering professionals are looking for software like Civil Designer that really saves them time in meeting their goals.
Is BIM the answer to increased productivity?
BIM is important but more fundamentally specialised data driven tasks save time. We understand civil infrastructure projects and how the design tasks can be optimised. We continually improve our software by adding new time saving features.
Our clients testify that Civil Designer has reduced their design time by up to 50%, which means a lot more time for you!
Do you agree that collaboration is king?
We place a high priority on interoperability with other AEC software. What is often overlooked however, is that exchanging unnecessary or insufficient design data can actually hinder productivity. Avoidable error in design and construction constitutes up to 25% of average UK construction project costs.
Civil Designer is unique in allowing the design of an entire infrastructure project, as well as the generation of accurate drawings and rendered fly-throughs, from within the same interface. Workflow is therefore uninterrupted and more efficient. The integrated approach also reduces the risk of wasting time handling unforeseen proximity problems at a later stage.
What other pain-points does Civil Designer address in the AEC software market?
We have listened to what AEC professionals are saying and restrictive licensing is clearly a sore point. As a result, we have gone out of our way to make cost saving, shared licensing options available.
We wish Civil Designer software all the best here in the UK. ICE members can get in touch with their team at or via Linkedin